Maya {newborn}|Studio Session

My family and I are very happy to announce the newest addition to our family.

Maya Vivian Schmidt

September 26, 2015 | 08:34 P.M. | 7.10 lbs | 20"

I never knew it would be a huge challenge to photograph your own newborn baby.  I had planned to photograph her myself so I did not secure a professional newborn photographer to do her newborn photos.  I thought it would be a breeze since I have a make shift studio in my home and I can take her photos at any time.   Little did I know that babies can sense and smell their mommy making it impossible for them to fall into that deep slumber.  I learned this the hard way during my first attempt to photograph her one afternoon.  She was fussy and wide awake which made it impossible for me to position her into those sweet and cuddly angelic pose.  I of course wasn't going to give up so I figured out the time where she is in deep sleep and that is at 7:00 AM.  I set up my studio the night before and quickly snapped a few photos of her.  That deep sleep slumber of hers only lasted 15 minutes before she woke up.  I actually didn't mind it because I was able to capture a couple photos of her with her eyes open and even a silly photo at the end of our session.  A tip for the moms out there who are thinking about newborn photos, be sure to book your newborn photographer months in advance before your due date as most photographers book fast.

We are all so excited and so in love with Baby Maya including her big brother Ethan.  If you follow my Facebook business page I plan to share a few photos from our lifestyle session with Katharine Roberds Photography.