We definitely missed WEEK SEVEN last week but our poor Ethan was down with something most of the weekend so we skipped it.  This week happens to fall on Maya's five month birthday.  Gosh, has it been five months already?  Time seems to move faster with the second one.  

This month we've really noticed Maya's personality develop.  She's so much fun and active!  Her smile is infectious and can light up anyone's day.  She enjoys jumping in her jumperoo, loves being read to, splashing the water during bath time, and now give us that deep belly baby laugh, definitely music to my ears.  I know her brother is her best friend, she absolutely adores him.  Ethan loves her too but doesn't enjoy her loud baby shrieks and babbles because he can't hear his cars when he is playing with them.  He likes making her laugh and likes taking pictures of her -- of course! ;-)